Strong Man
Beacon of Youth
Intellectual Competitions



Strong Man


Beacon of Youth

Intellectual Competitions

  • Important Guidelines for the attendants of ijtema by

    Sayyedna Huzur Anwar (atba)

    “Those who are participating in Ijtema must remember that they have to fulfil their desired aim and instead of wasting their times in amusement and non-essential talks, spend most of it in Zikre Ilahi (Remembrance of Allah) and spiritual talks. So that our sittings would not be seen on the day of judgment with a sense of regret.”
    (Friday sermon 22nd September 2017)

  • Be regular in Salat


    Huzur atba said to be regular in Salat and to spend one's time in remembrance of Allah. Huzur atba counseled to maintain discipline and to cooperate fully with the duty holders. (Friday Sermon 18 july 2003)

    “If we are regular in Namaz, we will be those who fulfil the rights for our Creator & of one another. We will be those who spread love, tolerance & compassion amongst society. We will be true Muslims.”
    (Huzur atba e -Anwar at concluding session of MKA Ijtema 2018 UK)

  • Maintain a high standard of cleanliness.


    Huzur atba emphasized the excellence in adopting the principles taught to us by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) in particular during these days; of maintaining a cheerful disposition, to enjoin good and to forbid evil, to do small acts that are resultant in everyone's welfare and to maintain a high standard of cleanliness.

    Despite of cleaning roads during the days of Ijtema, some children and adults throw waste in Ijtema gah and other public sites. Any waste you observe, throw it in the dust bin whether who is in charge of cleanliness duty. Both guests and hosts should consider these things. 

  • Greet everyone with

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Huzur atba said, in sending blessing to all through the utterance of “Assalamo Alaikum” during these three days, we could aba maintain an amiable environment.

  • Spend your days and nights in the remembrance of Allah


    The main thing is Dua. Emphasize on the Dua. Start your journey, and return with Dua and also keep praying during the journey.
    (Friday Sermon, 18 July 2003)

    Those who are participating in Ijtema must remember that they have to fulfil their desired aim and instead of wasting their times in amusement and non-essential talks, spend most of it in Zikre Ilahi (Remembrance of Allah) and spiritual talks.

  • Guided by the Light of the

    Promised Messiah (as)

    “Pick up the spiritual lantern that the Promised Messiah (as) has placed before us... Only then will we see the dark clouds of today begin to part & be replaced by an emergent blue sky.”
    (Huzur atba e Anwar at concluding session of MKA Ijtema 2018 UK)


  • Embracing the Teachings of the

    Holy Prophet (pbuh)

    Huzur atba emphasized the excellence in adopting the principles taught to us by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) in particular during these days; of maintaining a cheerful disposition, to enjoin good and to forbid evil, to do small acts that are resultant in everyone's welfare and to maintain a high standard of cleanliness.

    (Friday Sermon 18 july 2003)

اصلاح اعمال

اپنی اس عمر کو اک نعمتِ عظمیٰ سمجھو”
“بعد میں تاکہ تمہیں شکوۂ ایام نہ ہو

(کلام محمود)


Dear Khuddam and Atfal Brothers,
"Take these important instructions of Huzur Atba as your manual. During the days of Ijtema try to reform your soul and emphasize on prayers. May Allah enable us all to act on these instructions. Ameen."
Shameem Ahmad Ghori
Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Bharat

Ride For Peace

A group of cyclists has embarked on an inspiring journey from Calicut, Kerala, to Qadian, Punjab, covering more than 4,000 kilometers. This journey for peace, driven by hope, is part of the global “Stop World War 3” and “Ride for Peace” initiative organized by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Worldwide.

Setting off from Kerala, these Khuddam are cycling to Qadian, the birthplace of Promised Messiah (as)   and national headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat India, with a mission to raise awareness about the urgent need for peace in a world edging closer to conflict and unrest.

Their “Ride for Peace” campaign will culminate as they join the Annual Ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bharat 2024 in Qadian, Darulamaan.

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فہرست و رابطہ نمبر زمنتظمین | Important Contacts

Naveed Ahmad Fazal
President, Annual Ijtema Committee

Mr. Muhammad Nasar Ghori
Vice President, Annual Ijtema Committee

Mr. Falahuddin Qamar
Secretary, Annual Ijtema Committee

Mr. Niyaz Naik
Muntazim Academic Competitions

Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Mir
Additional Muntazim Academic Competitions

Mr. Aamir Ahmad
Muntazim Sports Competitions (Khuddam)

Mr. Sabahat Ahmad Raza
Muntazim Sports Competitions (Atfal)