• Elevate worship, strengthen morals, and embody truth

    Huzoor addresses MKA UK Ijtema 2024

    “You can only be successful if your every act is governed by a desire of attaining God’s pleasure. Do not let worldly desires or material objectives cloud your intentions or judgement.” 

  • ‘Nations cannot be reformed without the

    Reformation of the youth.’

    Hazrat Mirza Bashirudheen Mahmood Ahmad رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ

    (Khalifatul Masih II, founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association)


  • Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Bharat

    Salana Ijtema 2024

    25th, 26th & 27th October 2024, Qadian

  • Ride For


    A group of 7 dedicated Khuddam (Youth) embarked on an extraordinary 3600 km Peace Ride from Kerala to Qadian, Punjab. This spiritual and peaceful journey is not just a test of endurance but a profound symbol of unity, faith, and perseverance. 

Who are we ?

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya (MKA) India is a dynamic youth organization, an auxiliary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, dedicated to the moral and spiritual development of young men between the ages of 15 and 40. Established in 1938 by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, the second Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, MKA promotes service, sacrifice, and the values of faith, nation, and humanity.

The Promised Messiah & Mahdi

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (AS)

All religions contain prophecies that foretell the advent of a special individual, who will come as a reformer in the latter days. In Islam, Muslims await a promised Mahdi and Messiah. The advent of the Promised Messiah(as) was prophesized by the Holy Prophet(sa) himself. On February 13th, 1835, in the small Indian village of Qadian, a man named Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was born. He belonged to a well-known and noble family.

Friday sermon | خطبہ جمعہ

The Friday Sermon, or Khutbah, holds great significance in Islam as it is a time for communal prayer, reflection, and guidance. Historically, it has been a means to educate and unite the Muslim community, addressing both spiritual and social issues.

For Ahmadis, the Friday Sermon is particularly important as it is delivered by the Khalifaatba of the Promised Messiahas (خليفة المسيح)  providing direct spiritual leadership and guidance. This sermon not only reinforces religious teachings but also strengthens the bond within the community.

The Khalifa’s address is eagerly anticipated and followed by Ahmadis worldwide, emphasizing its central role in their religious life.

October 11, 2024
Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar

Strengthen the Bond with Khilafat

After Prophethood, Khilafat is the most important institution in Islam. Khulafa are ultimately appointed by God through His Divine guidance. It has been incumbent on every Khuddam to keep in touch with Khalifa of the Islam & Imam of the age, who is the flag bearer of the Islam and prophetic traditions. It’s duty of every single khadim show complete obedience and honor each and every words of wisdom of our beloved Huzoor. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya India has prepared an exclusive section for khadims to learn more and keep in touch with our beloved Imam. You can also send your letters to huzoor through this section.

Our Mission

"My idea of establishing this body is that the knowledge which has been acquired by us and safely locked in our hearts must continue to be passed onto the next generation, and thereafter it must become a continuous cycle so that the world at large may benefit."
Hazrat Mirza Bashirudheen Mahmood Ahmad (ra)
 Khalifatul Masih II, founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association

Message from Sadr Majlis

"Always remember Khadim means servant. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has inculcated various values in Khuddam and Atfal. One of the values is his famous saying “Tum Khadim ho khidmat ke liye paida kiye gaye ho” You are a servant and you’ve been created for service. So as a servant you’ve to have certain characteristics and qualities in you. One of them is patience, you’ve to be humble, you’ve to be forbearing and you should also develop the character of simplicity in you. And then making sure that you are looking out for the interest of people. You should put people first before yourself, which means you have to be selfless. So there are so many qualities you have to either have inherent in you or you have to inculcate in yourself to be a servant ........"

Shamim Ahmad Ghori
Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Bharat

Volunteer for MKA

Contribute your time and talent for Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Bharat, you can be a volunteer and get involved in activities of MKA.

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Focus of the year


To perform namaz 5 times daily in Masjid with Jama'at.

Holy Quran

To recite Holy Quran Daily


To watch live Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Ameerul Mu’mineen (ATBA) at Masjid.

Badr Weekly

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Activities & Photo Gallery


We organize varieties of events and community gatherings and various programs throughout the year, check out our calendar to know more.