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Stay dedicated at all times: Queens’ khuddam meet Huzoor at Islamabad

On Sunday, 21 April 2024, a group of khuddam from Queens majlis, USA, had the blessed opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa in an in-person mulaqat. The mulaqat took place at Islamabad, UK. At the outset of the meeting, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam.

Huzooraa enquired if everyone understands Urdu. Speaking with Sadi Islam Sahib, originally from Bangladesh, Huzooraa asked if he understood Urdu, to which he replied, “Thori, thori,” meaning only a little. In response, Huzooraa smiled and said, “Being a Bengali, if you know a little Urdu, that is enough.”

Speaking with Intesar Ahmed Sahib, Qaid Majlis Queens, New York, Huzooraa asked how many khuddam are in the Queens majlis. In response, Intesar Ahmed Sahib replied that there are 123 khuddam and 23 atfal.

Intesar Ahmed Sahib then informed Huzooraa that their murabbi was also present. Speaking with him, Huzooraa asked when he graduated from Jamia, to which he said he graduated in June last year. He reported to Huzooraa that he was originally from Queens, New York, and mentioned that he is working with the Alislam team. Huzooraa also asked if he held classes in the mosque and told him that he should.

Huzooraa then engaged in conversation with a khadim originally from Ghana. Huzooraa asked him about his hometown, to which he replied that he was from Takoradi. Huzooraa enquired about his occupation in New York, and he responded that he works in architecture and engineering. Huzooraa then asked if he is married, to which he replied that he is not yet married, but it is in the works.

Huzooraa asked how many of the khuddam present were married. Intesar Ahmed Sahib replied that only three khuddam present were married.

Next, Sadi Islam Sahib, originally from Bangladesh, mentioned that he migrated to America in 2018 and is currently studying computer science. He also reported that he is currently serving as the Regional Nazim Tahrik-e-Jadid.

Naser Islam Sahib, aged 17 and brother of Sadi Islam Sahib, mentioned that he is serving as the Nazim Tabligh and Nazim Tarbiyat for Nau-Mubai‘een. He reported that there are eight new nau-mubai‘een: six khuddam and two atfal. He mentioned that they hold monthly classes with them, and he also noted that their missionary always attended the classes conducted by the nazim.

Huzooraa asked Naser Islam Sahib about his father, to which he replied that he works at a medicine company. Regarding tabligh, he stated that his tabligh target, assigned by the central body of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, was 50 for the year, but they had only achieved 10 so far. Huzooraa further enquired if they distributed pamphlets, which he confirmed and added that they had distributed 1300 in the last four months. Considering the population, Huzooraa said, “Your target should be at least one million.”

Mabroor Ahmad Sahib, aged 18, stated that he is in his final year of high school. He mentioned his intention to attend Jamia. Huzooraa remarked that, given the circumstances, Jamia Ghana seems like the likely option. Mabroor Ahmad Sahib expressed his readiness to do so. Huzooraa commented, “Even if you have to face malaria and you are not afraid of flies and mosquitoes, then it is okay. Then you can go.”

Mabroor Ahmad mentioned that he is serving as the Local Motamid Majlis (for Queens) and the Regional Nazim Tabligh. He noted that there are four majalis in the region. Huzooraa enquired about the activity level of the khuddam and stated, “I consider those active when 100% of them are particular in offering their daily prayer.”  He explained that if they offer all five daily prayers in the mosque, then they are considered active. Huzooraa added that even if they manage to offer three prayers in the mosque due to job and work commitments, they can still be considered active.

Huzooraa asked Tauseef Bajwa Sahib, the Local Nazim Umumi, if duties are regularly performed in the local mosque. Tauseef Bajwa Sahib reported that duties are held on Fridays. Huzooraa encouraged the formation of a team where one or two khuddam are always available for duty at the prayer times.

Huzooraa enquired about the current attendance at Fajr prayers and encouraged the qaid to increase the number of khuddam attending the prayers. Speaking with Hammad Bajwa, a 16-year-old student, Huzooraa asked about his aspirations. Hammad replied that he is not sure yet but mentioned that he might pursue a career in computer science.

Asad Bajwa Sahib, the regional Nazim Umumi, reported that duties are conducted in the mosque on Fridays and during the Isha prayers. He mentioned that the total population in the region is over 1000. Huzooraa then asked him about his profession, to which he replied that he owns a restaurant in New York.

Huzooraa asked, “Have you invited the khuddam there too?” Asad Bajwa Sahib replied in the affirmative, saying that he did so during Ramadan.

Speaking with Muhammad Fateh Bajwa Sahib, Huzooraa smiled and remarked, “There are many Bajwas in Queens.” Muhammad Fateh Bajwa Sahib reported that he serves as the Regional Waqar-e-Amal secretary. He added that he works as a software developer. He mentioned that Waqar-e-Amal activities are held on weekends, where they clean the mosque’s prayer hall and participate in tree-planting initiatives.

Salim Mohammad Sahib, aged 27 and Naib Qaid of Bronx Majlis, shared that his maternal grandfather, Abdul Hamid Sahib, had passed away and requested prayers from Huzooraa. He also mentioned that he is currently preparing for medical entry exams.

Salim Mohammad Sahib asked Huzooraa when a person knows whether a certain rishta [match] is good for them. 

Huzooraa explained that, typically, Allah does not directly reveal whether a particular rishta is suitable for someone, although there may be exceptions. “One should pray. The meaning of istikharah is when one prays: ‘If this rishta, in God’s estimation, is good for me, then create ease in it. And if it is not, then may it be halted.’ This is istikharah, meaning: to ask for good from Allah.”

Huzooraa said, “When the heart feels content after prayer, and the heart says: ‘Go ahead’, then one may accept the rishta.” Huzooraa advised that one should examine their spiritual state, acknowledging both their strengths and weaknesses. He emphasised that seeking perfection is futile, as it is unattainable. Instead, Huzooraa summarised, “Pray, and when you feel content, proceed.”

Speaking with Tahir Ahmad Sahib, a second-year college student studying health science, who reported that he enjoys the subject, Huzooraa said, “If you enjoy the subject, then you should continue with it.”

He reported that he is serving as the Local Nazim Waqar-e-Amal. He mentioned that every month, they try to hold a mosque clean-up once or twice. Hearing this, Huzooraa asked, “Is mosque cleanup limited to the prayer hall, or do you also make an effort to keep the entire premises of the mosque clean and tidy?”

Next, Huzooraa discussed various budgetary matters with Qaasid Ahmad Bajwa Sahib, the Regional Nazim Maal. Ibrahim Sahib, Local Nazim Atfal for Bronx, and Regional Nazim Atfal Bronx. He reported the region, there are 76 atfal

Chaudhry Moonis Ahmad Munawwar Sahib, a first-year college student, mentioned that he is studying biochemistry. Huzooraa asked him about his ultimate goal, to which he replied that he would like to attend medical school. He also mentioned that he is serving in Umur-e-Tulaba and Khidmat-e-Khalq, and added that he is planning to establish AMSA [Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association].

Speaking with Tashif Mahmood, a 16-year-old high school student, Huzooraa remarked that he looks older than his age. Tashif Mahmood mentioned that he is serving as the Local Sanat-o-Tijarat and expressed that he is still learning. Huzooraa acknowledged his learning process and suggested that he could start by making a list of jobless khuddam. He added that, with the help of the Sanat-o-Tijarat department, he should try to secure some employment opportunities for them.

Naseem Dhanraj Sahib, 19, said he is in his first year of college, studying accounting. He reported that he is serving as the Local Nazim Sehat-e-Jismani. Huzooraa asked him if he plays any sports, to which he replied that he plays basketball.

Next, Nazeef Bajwa Sahib, 22, had the chance to speak with Huzooraa. Nazeef Bajwa Sahib said he is in college studying computer science. He said he is serving as Local Naib Nazim Umumi.

Abdul Muqeet Ahmad, 16,  said that he is serving as Regional Nazim Tarbiyat Nau-Mubai‘een as well as Additional Nazim Atfal for Queens. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “I see. You are a very potential person that is why you have been given two posts.” Speaking with him, Huzooraa said, “The zeal with which you are working now, or serving Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya now, should be continued when you enter 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and then onward. Normally, we experience that when you enter the age of 18, then [one] just leaves what you were in the past. So, it should not happen like this. Be a dedicated Ahmadi all the time, devout and educated.”

Next, Zane Mahmood Sahib introduced himself, saying that his father’s name is Tahir Mahmood and his grandfather was Muhammad Sharif Sahib of Rabwah, who was a bodyguard. Huzooraa asked him when he went to America, to which he said he was born there. Huzooraa asked if his grandfather owned a mithai [traditional sweets] shop; to which Zane Mahmood Sahib replied in the affirmative.

After this, Nasir Islam Sahib from Bangladesh, 17, also expressed his desire to go to Jamia. Huzooraa, in response, said, “Then you can go to Jamia Ghana, if you are ready. You are already used to that climate.”

He also asked Huzooraa how one can know repentance has been accepted. “If you have realised what your shortcomings were, what your sins were, and for what purpose you were asking Allah the Almighty, to make you refrain from that – and you have left that one – it means your taubah has been accepted, if you do not repeat it again. If you repeat it again, then – and for that, you will continuously say istighfar – if you repeat it again that means your taubah has not been accepted and you still have some shortcomings. […]

“The best way to gain strength against Satan is to continuously recite istighfar: اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ رَبِّىْ مِنْ كُلِّ ذَنْۢبٍ وَّاَتُوْبُ اِلَيْهِ and understand the meaning of it.” [I beg pardon from Allah, my Lord, for all my sins and turn to Him.]

Huzooraa then distributed pens to the khuddam. In the end, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to a successful end.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)