The Sanat-o-Tijarat (Trade & Commerce) Department adopts such means as shall increase among the Jama’at an interest in learning skills, crafts and trade with the aim of attempting to eliminate unemployment in Members. The Department engages the members in programs that promotes entrepreneurship, career development and mentor-ship.
- Establish a database of Khuddam consisting of various skills, professions and businesses
- Teach New Skills by having individual and collective Training Sessions
- Develops basic, professional and trades skill sets in members
- Soft skills/internet/email/typing
- Basics of automobile checks
- Basic First Aid (in co-ordinate with the Khidmat-e-Khalq Department)
- Basic household skills
- Generate income for Majlis. This can be done by organizing stalls, collecting advertisement/sponsorship
- Assist Khuddam by providing career counseling services. These services should include, but not be limited to:
- Job search techniques
- Resume writing/critiquing skills and interview skills
- Collection of various resources available in the industry e.g. government sponsors program, job fairs, employment agencies etc.
- Information packages should be provided to Members
- Encourage Khuddam to open businesses and provide support to members looking for jobs
- Urge Khuddam to prepare items for display at exhibitions organized by the Majlis. Some categories in the exhibition can be as follows:
- Electronics
- Models
- Photography
- Painting
- Handicrafts
- Computers (software/hardware)

Falahuddin Ghori
Contact :
(+91) 8801701983
Naib Mohtamim