Wasiyyat is the making of a will in the favor of the Community, pledging 1/10 to 1/3 of one’s total assets to the Jama’at at the time of one’s death. A person who has pledged Wasiyyat is known as a Moosi and must also donate 1/10 to 1/3 of his earnings yearly for the cause of Islam.
These funds are used for propagation of Islam by dissemination of Qur’anic knowledge, publishing religious books and meeting expenses of missionaries along with other matters that may help advancement of Islam. These funds are also be used to help such orphans, poor and needy people, and new converts as do not have sufficient means of livelihood.Other conditions associated with this blessed scheme are those of piety and righteousness. To do Wasiyyat is a highly blessed act and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has prayed for people who do Wasiyyat.
“ I pray again: O my Mighty God make this piece of land fit for the graves of those of my Jama‘at who are pure of heart and who have in reality become solely for you, and in their works there is no adulteration of the worldly objectives. Ameen, O Lord of the World.”
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vth in a series of discourses has advised the Jama’at to increase the quality and quantity of their salat and worship of Allah, and that they should excel in their material sacrifices and more and more of us should participate in Al Wasiyyat. Hudhur (aba) said “The Promised Messiah(as) has shown us the most comprehensive way of acquiring goodness and moving in the direction of progress and a good ending. That way is the system of Al Wasiyyat. We must commit to it and participate in it as best as we can.
Our world is a truly material world and to save us from the evil of materialism, our beloved Hudhur (aba) says,
“We should listen to the words of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). In order to reform ourselves and thus ensure the future of our future generations, we should join the institution of Wasiyyat in large numbers”.
The love of material possession can be a source to take one away from Allah, to address this, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) says,
“If on the other hand, the fears about our possessions still haunt us and prevent us from joining this blessed Divine scheme, then our faith stands on very weak grounds. When there is no guarantee on our possessions or our lives, we have to put our faith and trust in Allah above all other matters. May Allah enable us to understand our responsibilities and help us in fulfilling our obligations. Ameen”.
Any Khuddam who wishes to do Wasiyyat needs to read this book “The Will” to understand the concept and it is recommended that all Moosi should read this book as many times as they can.
Download “The Will”
Frequently Asked Questions
A Musi is required to:
a). | Bequeath 1/10th to 1/3rd of his/her property on his death. |
b). | Pay Chanda Hissa Āmad at the rate of 1/10th to 1/3rd on income from all sources during his lifetime except income from property. |
c). | Pay Chanda Hissa Āmad at the rate of Chanda Ām (i.e., 1/16th) on income arising from any property. |
: If someone does not have a steady income, he/she can write estimated monthly income, or average income of 6 months or a year.
The procedure usually followed for payment of Chanda Wasiyyat by a woman not having her own source of income is that the husband should fix an appropriate amount as pocket money that would be considered as income of such a woman and she, for the sake of maintaining the continuity of her financial sacrifice, will pay Chanda Wasiyyat on her pocket money.
Women are required to pay Chanda according to their living standard. The sacrifice made by a Musi should stand out as compared to the sacrifice made by a person paying Chanda Ām. But the pocket money so arrived at should not be less than the minimum amount fixed for the country of residence. Minimum standard of income (also known as ‘pocket money’ for non-earning members, including housewives/homemakers) fixed by Markaz for the USA Jama’at is $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars) per month. Based on this income, payable Chanda Hissa Āmad Wasiyyat is $25 (twenty five dollars) per month. However, this rule will not apply to students.
Student scholarships/stipends will not be subject to Chanda at the prescribed rates. However, students are expected to get a sum fixed after consultation with the Jama’at and pay their Chanda accordingly.
Yes, Hissa Āmad shall be payable upon pension. This is because the monthly contribution consists of a very minor amount, whereas the monthly pension received upon retirement is more substantial. If someone still wants to deduct this amount from his pension, he will deduct only the amount which he has contributed. Chanda will be payable on the rest.
The income upon which Chanda is payable refers to all kinds of income from all sources. Only the following payments can be deducted from the actual income.
1). | Allowances given to employees, whose expenditure is not in the hands of the employee. |
2). | Mandatory taxes levied by the government e.g., taxes, mandatory insurance, local rates. |
3). | Allowances given to employees which are meant for specific expenditure e.g., uniform allowance, education allowance, children’s allowance. |
4). | Allowances, which are paid for the performance of official duties e.g., TA (traveling allowance), DA (Per Diem). |
The amount paid for house insurance, even if it is mandatory, will not be deducted from the total income with regard to Chanda. If it is necessary to have the house insured in order to borrow from a mortgage company, the buyer is still the beneficiary. Such expenses will, therefore, be considered usual. It is not permissible to deduct any installment, mortgage payment, interest or insurance from one’s real income with regard to Chanda.
The amount paid for health insurance will not be deducted from income even if it is mandatory. Except in circumstances where it is deemed to be tax and its benefits cover the whole community instead of the said individual or family.
In case any income accrues from property of the Musi then Hissa Āmad shall be payable on such income at the rate of Chanda Ām i.e., 1/16th.
a). | When a person does not possess means to buy a property all at once, he acquires a loan in order to buy it. If he wishes to pay Hissa Jaidad upon that property during his life, he shall bear the responsibility for the loan and shall have to pay Hissa Jaidad in accordance with the value of that property at the time of Tashkhees (assessment). Loan acquired during one’s life shall not count (for everyone acquires loan now and then and pays it back). |
b). | A person first produces a source of income and pays Hissa Āmad upon it. He then buys a property with the rest of his income either with ready money or in installments. Payment of Wasiyyat upon that property becomes binding after the death of that Musi. But he also has the easy option that, if he so wishes, he can pay this amount during his life. |
c). | The rate of Hissa Jaidad will be same as the Musi opted for himself i.e., between 1/10th to 1/3rd. |
d). | Hissa Jaidad will be payable at current market value when formal assessment is made except in case the Musi paid off Hissa Jaidad on that very property at the time of purchase. |
a). | Such property (shares) will be taken at its current market value, and Hissa Jaidad will be payable upon it. |
b). | Hissa Āmad shall be payable at the prescribed rate on any profits gained from such property (at the rate of 1/10 or whatever the Musi has pledged). This also applies to all other forms of investments. |