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Elevate worship, strengthen morals, and embody truth: Huzoor addresses MKA UK Ijtema 2024


From 20-22 September 2024, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK convened their annual ijtema in Kingsley, Hampshire. On the final day, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his helper, graced the occasion, delivering an address to formally conclude the ijtema.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived at the ijtema site shortly before 4 pm, and conducted the flag-hoisting ceremony. Huzooraa then proceeded to the ijtema gah and led the attendees in Zuhr and Asr prayers.

At approximately 4:20 pm local time, the formal proceedings of the final session of MKA UK’s national ijtema commenced. Huzooraa invited Ehsan Ahmad Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran. He recited verses 68-69 of Surah al-Ma’idah, and Abdul Ghaffar Adam Sahib presented their English translation.   

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then came to the podium, leading all those present in taking the Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya pledge. Thereafter, Huzooraa invited Isam Ahmad Sahib to recite an Urdu poem. He presented a poem written by the Promised Messiahas. Wajeeh-ur-Rehman Maz Sahib presented the English translation of the couplets.   

Huzooraa then invited Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, to present the ijtema report. Sadr Sahib said that the theme for this year’s ijtema, graciously given to them by Huzooraa, was “Muhammadsa, the Perfect Preacher”. He then mentioned key highlights of the ijtema, i.e., panel disscissions and talks on importance of Khilafat and our responsibilities, tabligh on the front line, situation on the middle east, etc. Moreover, he said that various exhibitions were also conducted for the participants. The total attendance at this year’s ijtema was 7,545. He then thanked all the volunteers and khuddam who helped make the ijtema successful. Sadr Sahib expressed heartfelt gratitude to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa for honouring the event with his presence and for his continuous prayers, which were instrumental in the success of the ijtema.

Thereafter, a short video presentation was shown to Huzooraa with highlights of the ijtema. Naib Sadr Sahib Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK was then called to announce the Alam-e-Inami prize for Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya and Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, which Huzooraa awarded to the winning qiadats.   

At 4:42 pm, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa came to the podium to deliver his address. Huzooraa said:  

“By the grace of Allah, once again you have had the opportunity to hold and participate in the national ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, an ijtema dedicated to young Ahmadi men and boys. 

“Undoubtedly, when a community’s youth embrace its values and strive to fulfil its objectives, that community thrives and progresses.”

Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa mentioned the year 1938 when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra founded Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra established this auxiliary organisation with the inspiration that all Ahmadi youth and boys would excel in the observance of their faith, improve their moral standards, elevate their worship of Allah and build a stronger connection with God.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa pointed out that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra did not establish Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya merely as a platform for Ahmadi youth to gather together. He set forth noble objectives for khuddam, and so they should leave no stone unturned to achieve them.

Huzooraa said that where we establish a close relationship with Allah the Almighty, we should also strive to lead other to God. He said:

“In this age, we are not only witnessing a rapid decline in the worship of God and growing apathy towards religion, but also its chilling indifference to the suffering of God’s creation.”

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Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained that nowadays, the assistance and support offered by others are often driven by vested interests, as well as political and economic gains. Advising the khuddam, Huzooraa said:

“You can only be successful if your every act is governed by a desire of attaining God’s pleasure. Do not let worldly desires or material objectives cloud your intentions or judgement.” 

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra taught the Ahmadis to not be satisfied by their personal gain of high morals, but that they should also strive to cultivate these virtues in others.

Huzooraa said:

“Hence, if we as Ahmadis are to progress and fulfil the objectives for which we have taken the bai‘at of the Promise Messiahas. We must, irrespective of our age, try to bring about a profound change within ourselves. We must commit to living our lives free from immoralities, injustice and deception. Otherwise, our claim of bringing forth a spiritual revolution in the world shall be reduced to hollow and superficial words.”

Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa advised that we should strive to fulfil the rights of all people within our circles, be it parents, wives, teachers, friends, etc. We should not think ill of others. We should not harbour grudges. On the contrary, we should think good of others and stop negative thinking. We should shun falsehood. Some people are involved in deception considering it a joke, but that is also falsehood. Spreading misinformation on social media platforms is causing division and destruction in cities and countries. 

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa gave the example of the recent riots that were erupted by disinformation spread on social media, leading to protests and destruction.


Huzooraa mentioned the Holy Prophetsa said that when a hypocrite speaks, he lies, when he promises he breaks his promise, when he disputes, he transgresses and when he makes an agreement, he violates it. Hazrat Khlifatul Masihaa said:

“There should not be a hint of deception in our words or deeds. Rather, others should testify that Ahmadi youth speak the truth and embody truth at all times. People should have complete confidence that if they deal with an Ahmadi, they will fulfil the terms of their agreement with integrity even if it leads to a loss.”

Huzooraa instructed the Ahmadis to never curse or transgress during disagreements. We should always hold on to the truth. We are all going to leave this world one day, so we should strive to do those acts that are pleasing in the sight of Allah the Almighty. We should always fulfil our promises to our children. 

The Promised Messiahas condemned falsehood in the strongest terms. He said the worldly people believe that they cannot survive without lies. However, this is a reprehensible belief. On the other hand, we cannot survive without the grace and mercy of God Almighty.

Huzooraa admonished that if we eliminated falsehood from the society, the conflicts that threatened the world would eventually come to an end. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:

“I reiterate that all Jamaat members, especially khuddam and atfal should collectively pledge to eradicate all traces of dishonesty from their lives. Indeed, Ahmadi youth and children should, as individuals, and collectively, launch a campaign and movement to uphold truthfulness and honesty, and reject falsehood, and embrace truth. 

“May it be that all people testify to the fact that Ahmadi youth are those who never utter a false word.”

Huzooraa then shed light on the crucial importance of the obedience to Khilafat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained the meaning of maruf decision and said:

“Simply, it is to convey the commands of Allah the Almighty and his Noble Messengersa because the Khalifa-e-Waqt will never give any instructions or statement contrary to the commands of Allah the Almighty and the Holy Prophetsa.” Huzooraa advised all those present to offer five daily prayers, as the attendance in the mosques was not satisfactory. 

Towards the end, Hazrat Amirul Momineeenaa said that “Always remember, that a community or a nation whose members manifest truth and integrity is destined for great success.” Hence, if members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya hold fast to the truth, there is no doubt that a great and everlasting spiritual victory is destined for us. Undoubtedly, if Ahmadis manifest Islam’s true teachings, individually and collectively, then no matter what our opponents do to destroy or persecute us, they will never be able to cause us any harm.

Huzooraa said:

“At the end, I pray that may every khadim and tifl leave this ijtema with a fervent and burning desire to elevate their worship, strengthen their morals and embody truth in every facet of their lives. May Allah the Almighty enable all of us to do so.”

Then, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa led everyone in a silent prayer and the ijtema concluded.