Majlis khuddamul Ahmadiyya Pune, Maharashtra distributed free water and Sharbat to the needy on the auspicious occasion of Masih e Mauhood Day 23rd March at Hadaspar Main Bus Stand. Packed Fruit juice and water bottles were distributed among traffic police persons and employees of the bus terminals as well as bus drivers and ticket collectors. Almost 1400 people was served and 400 liters of water distributed in total. 10 Khuddams and an Ansar from Pune Jama’at Participated in this blessed endeavor.

Program was started at morning 11:00 am and lasted till evening 6:00 pm. Janab Khaleel Ahmad Sahib, Qayam Muqaam Sadr Jama’at Pune inaugurated the event by leading silent prayers.
Mashaallah, Welldone