

The Mal Department supervises the financial affairs of MKA India. The department supervises the monetary affairs of the Majlis. The department makes arrangements for the assessment of the annual income and expenditure of the Majlis and keep their record in the office.


  • Prepare and submit the Annual Budget
  • Every member must be contacted to get their exact budget as per their income
  • Strive towards a 100% collection of subscription with 100% participation from the members
  • Report actual amount of Membership and Ijtima collection every month
  • Urge Khuddam to maintain a high level of financial sacrifice
  • Inculcate the habit of regular financial sacrifice
  • Ensure that all expenditures are pre-approved and proper receipts are kept for subsequent audits


Falahuddin Qamar

Contact :

(+91) 9478118720

(+91) 7986561143

Naib Mohtamim

Syed Saeeduddin

Wajahat Ahmad

Mudassir Imran