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Pedalling for Peace: A 3600 km Journey from Kerala to Qadian, Punjab

On 7th August 2024, a group of 7 dedicated Khuddam (Youth) embarked on an extraordinary 3600 km Peace Ride from Kerala to Qadian, Punjab. This spiritual and peaceful journey is not just a test of endurance but a profound symbol of unity, faith, and perseverance. The participants are cycling through diverse terrains, carrying with them a powerful message of peace, brotherhood, and solidarity as they journey towards the historic town of Qadian Punjab.

Objective of the Journey

The primary aim of the ride is to promote the values of peace, unity, and awareness to stop World War 3. As they cycle through various states, these Khuddam will have the opportunity to meet and interact with people from all walks of life, sharing a message of peace and emphasizing the importance of coming together as a global community to prevent future conflicts.

In addition to spreading the message of peace, the Khuddam are also riding to join the Annual Ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bharat 2024 in Qadian, an important spiritual gathering that brings together Khuddam from across the nation for learning, fellowship, and unity.


Request for Prayers and Support

As these dedicated Khuddam continue their arduous journey, we kindly request everyone to remember them in their prayers for their safety and well-being. This is not only a physically demanding expedition but also one that relies heavily on divine blessings for its success. Their safety on the roads, through changing weather and terrain, is crucial.

We request prayers for:

– Safe travels and the well-being of all participants.

– Favorable weather and smooth passage through different regions.

– Spiritual growth and the success of their mission to spread peace and raise awareness.

– A successful and spiritually enriching experience at the Annual Ijtema.

May this journey serve as an inspiration to all, and may it remind us of the importance of unity and the pursuit of peace.

We commend the Khuddam participating in this historic journey and wish them strength, resilience, and peace. May their efforts bring blessings to everyone they meet, and may they safely and successfully reach their destination of Qadian for the Ijtema. Ameen.