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Protecting Children from the Influences of Gender Ideology

On 11 February 2024, a group of new converts and Ahmadis from Belgium had the honour of meeting the Worldwide Head and the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, in Islamabad, UK. During the meeting, members had the chance to ask questions to His Holiness. Mr Shan Qamar said that in Western countries, children as young as three or four years old are asked whether they are boys or girls. If a girl responds as a boy and the parents do not affirm this, the authorities can take custody of the child. He asked how parents or future parents could protect their children from this. His Holiness replied:

Training of children should begin at home. They should be taught within their households that they are created by Allah as either a boy or a girl. Sometimes, due to the influence of their environment, either at school or at home, children may come to think like this. For instance, in our Asian societies, girls are sometimes given less preference than boys, leading some girls to believe that becoming a boy would grant them more importance. This is the wrong approach.

Parents should, from the beginning, instil the right teachings, emphasising that Islam grants equal rights to both boys and girls. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa even stated that if someone has three daughters and he raises them well and provides them with a good education, he will enter Paradise. Such teachings should be imparted to children from a young age at home.

This is a considerable challenge for parents today, requiring them to be more vigilant and careful in creating a home environment where every individual, boy or girl, is valued equally, ensuring no child feels compelled to feel that changing their gender would bring them more importance. This involves explaining the Islamic perspective from an early age. Hence, this requires parents to focus more on moral training at home. With a proper upbringing at home in this way, external influences will have no effect.

His Holiness interacting with Ahmadi Muslims from Belgium

The situation has become ridiculous nowadays. For example, here in the UK, a law was initially passed mandating school authorities to comply even if a primary school-going boy self-identifies as a girl. However, the law faced opposition from the Minister of Education and others, leading them to raise the age to the secondary level. Before that, they are required to seek parental consent whether they should accept the child as a boy or a girl. This awareness is growing here and hopefully will in Europe as well. Hence, it is imperative that parents pay more attention to their children at home.

The crux of the matter is that the reproductive system Allah Almighty has created is perfect for the propagation of the species. If a girl claims to be a boy or vice versa, they cannot acquire the organs specific to the other gender. A boy claiming to be a girl will not gain a uterus and cannot bear children, and vice versa. Any physical changes would only be superficial, possibly through hormone treatments to alter appearance, but the fundamental reproductive capabilities would remain unchanged. I do not know to what extent doctors have carried out their research, but no advancement has ever been able to enable a man to give birth to a child. This will never happen.

Those who wish to have children in such situations often have to adopt from others. This is yet another deception, an attempt to defy the natural order established by Allah the Exalted.

These deceptions are part of the schemes of the antichrist, attempting to oppose Allah’s natural order. Allah has already warned against such attempts to alter humanity. Hence, we have to be very careful.