
On 3 April, 1987, after receiving Divine guidance, the head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hadrat Khalifatul Masih IV called on Ahmadis to devote the lives of their children for the cause of the community and bring them up in such a way that they would grow up to willingly sacrifice everything for the sake of God. Accordingly, this generation would be able to shoulder the responsibility of the Jama’at in its second century. Hudur called this scheme Tehrik-e-waqfe-nau. Initially, the scheme was launched for two years, but this was later extended to four and after that the scheme was made permanent with the added clause that those parents who wish to devote the lives of their children must do it before their birth.
Today, Tehrik-e-waqfe-nau is a thriving institution in which thousands of Ahmadis devote the lives of their children for the sake of the Jama’at and everyday this number continues to swell.
Let God enable the children of this scheme to fulfill the numerous challenges that lie ahead of them in the best possible way. Ameen۔
رَبِّ إِنِّي نَذَرْتُ لَكَ مَا فِي بَطْنِي مُحَرَّرًا فَتَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
“My Lord, I have vowed to Thee what is in my womb to be dedicated to Thy service. So, do accept it of me; verily, Thou alone art All-Hearing, All Knowing.” (3:36)
“They should grow up with the conviction that they were born for a great purpose at a great time when the first century of the victory of Islam is merging with the second century of the victory of Islam. They were born at this juncture. They should know that their parents asked Allah to give them a child with the intention and prayer that the child would become a great mujahid for training the future generations”.
– Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (RAH), Khalifatul Masih IV, Friday Sermon 3rd April 1987.

"Waqfeene Nau, as I said are very special. But they will have to prove that"
- Friday Sermon The Essence of Waqf-e-Nau, 28th October, 2016 at Baitus Salam Mosque, Toronto, Canada
Who is Special?
They are ahead of others in their relationship with Allah; only then they will be called ‘special’.
They will be called special if they have fear of God more than others. They will be called special.
If their standards of worship are a lot higher than others. They will be called special
If they offer supererogatory prayers along with the obligatory ones. It is a sign of being special.
If their degree of general conduct is extremely high.
There is a marked difference in their language and talking manners. It is clearly observable that there is a genuinely trained person who prefers faith over worldly matters. Then they will be ‘special’
If they are girls, then, their dress and purdah is symbolic of true Islamic education. When others see it, they will be envious and say that despite living in this environment, their dresses and purdah are an extraordinary model. Then they will be special.
If they are boys, then their eyes will be looking down due to bashfulness and not wandering toward culpable actions. Then they will be special.
They will be special if they will be spending their time to attain religious knowledge rather than looking at the useless things on the internet.
If the appearances of the boys will be distinguishable from others. Then they will be distinguishable.
Boys and girls of Waqfe Nau could be called special if they recite from the Holy Quran, look for its commandments, and after finding them, would act upon them.
If they regularly take part in the programs of the auxiliary organizations and the Jama’at more than others, then, they will be special.
It is the special status if they excel their brothers and sisters in treating their parents well and praying for them.
At the time of matrimonial match, if they look for faith rather than worldly material, and then get along with their relationships, and can say that while acting upon the religious directions they are the ones who carry on with their relationships. Then they will be called special.
If, in the field of propagation, they take the lead position to fulfill this duty, then they are special.
If they are in the front row to obey the Khilafat and acting upon its decisions, then they are special.
They are definitely special if they are the ones who are more rugged and sacrificing than others.
They are very special if they excel in humility and selflessness, hate arrogance and wage jihad against it.
They are very special if they are among the ones who listen to my sermons and watch other programs of mine on MTA so that they keep on getting guidance.
They act upon these and all those matters that are liked by Allah and keep away from all those things that Allah has forbidden, then they are distinctly and rather very special. Otherwise there is no difference between them and others.