After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated:
The first of the companions (ra) that I will mention today who took part in the Battle of Badr is Hazrat Khiraash Bin Sima Ansari (ra). Hazrat Khiraash (ra) belonged to the Banu Jusham, a branch of the Khazraj. Hazrat Khiraash (ra) participated in the Battles of Badr and Uhud. He sustained ten injuries on the occasion of Uhud. He was among the skilled archers of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Khiraash (ra) took Abul ‘Aas, the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet (sa), as captive and imprisoned him during the Battle of Badr.
Hazrat Ubaid bin Tayyihan (ra) was among the confederates of Banu ‘Abdil Ash’al. He participated in the bai’at-e-Aqabah along with 70 Ansar. The Holy Prophet (sa) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Mas’ood Bin Rabee (ra). He participated in the Battle of Badr along with his brother Hazrat Abul Haitham (ra). He attained martyrdom during the Battle of Uhud or during the Battle of Siffin whilst fighting on the side of Hazrat Ali (ra).
The next companion next is Hazrat Abu Hannah Malik bin ‘Amr (ra). Abu Hannah was his title, while his actual name was Malik Bin ‘Amr. Muhammad bin ‘Umar Waqidi has counted him among those who took part in the Battle of Badr.
The next companion to be mentioned is Hazrat ‘Abdullah Bin Zaid bin Tha’labah (ra). He was known as ‘Abdullah Bin Zaid Ansari and his title was Abu Muhammad. His father’s name was Hazrat Zaid Bin Tha’labah (ra), and he also was a companion of the Holy Prophet (sa). He belonged to the tribe Banu Jusham from the branch of Khazraj. He participated in the bai’at at ‘Aqabah along with 70 Ansar. He participated in the Battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and other Battles along with the Holy Prophet (sa). At the time of the Victory of Mecca, he was carrying the flag of Banu Harith bin Khazraj. Hazrat ‘Abdullah Bin Zaid (ra) was proficient in writing Arabic prior to his acceptance of Islam. This was at a time, when writing was very uncommon among the Arabs and there were only a few people who knew how to write.
Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Zaid (ra) is that very companion, who was told the words of the Adhan [Islamic call to prayer] in a dream. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib has written further details to this account in Sirat Khataman Nabiyyin, using various sources of Islamic history. He writes: “Until now there was no arrangement for a call to Ṣalat, or Adhan etc. The Companions would generally congregate in the mosque at the approximate time themselves. These state of affairs, however, were not satisfactory. Upon the construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi, the question as to how Muslims would be congregated at the appropriate time was felt even more. One Companion proposed the use of a bell, like the Christians. Someone proposed the use of a trumpet, like the Jews; and others made other suggestions. However, Ḥazrat ‘Umar (ra) proposed that an individual be appointed to announce that it is time for Ṣalat at the appointed time. The Holy Prophet (sa) approved this proposal, and appointed Ḥazrat Bilal (ra) to perform this duty. As such, after this, when the time for Ṣalat would arrive, Ḥazrat Bilal (ra) would announce in a loud voice, and people would congregate for the Ṣalat. As a matter of fact, the very same call would be made if it was necessary to congregate the Muslims in the mosque for a purpose other than the Ṣalat as well. Sometime afterwards, the words of the current Adhan were taught to a Companion named ‘Abdullah bin Zaid Anṣari (ra) in a dream. He presented himself before the Holy Prophet (sa) and mentioned this dream saying, ‘I saw an individual in my dream call out such and such words as if calling the Adhan.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) said, ‘This dream is from Allah,’ and instructed ‘Abdullah (ra) to teach these words to Bilal (ra). A strange coincidence was that when Bilal (ra) called out the Adhan in these words for the very first time, upon hearing them, Ḥaḍzat ‘Umar (ra) made haste to the Holy Prophet (sa) and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Today, the words in which Bilal (ra) called out the Adhan were exactly those which I also saw in my dream.’ In one narration it has also been related that when the Holy Prophet (sa) heard these words of the Adhan, he said, ‘Revelation has already been sent down as such.’”
Hazrat Ayesha (ra) narrates: “A person came to the Holy Prophet (sa) and requested: ‘O Messenger of Allah! By God, you are undoubtedly more beloved to me than my own self, my family, and my children. I was at home thinking about you, and I could not hold myself back to the point that I just had to come and meet you and now I am looking at you. When I thought about the idea of you and I passing away, I realised that after entering paradise, you shall be exalted along with other Prophets. So I became afraid that when I enter paradise, I will not be able to find you.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) did not respond to this person until the angel Gabriel descended with the revelation of the following verse: ‘And whoso obeys Allah and this Messenger of His shall be among those on whom Allah has bestowed His blessings, namely, the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous. And excellent companions are these.’” We present this verse to support the argument that one can attain the status of a non-law bearing prophet through one’s devotion and subservience to the Holy Prophet (sa). And through one’s complete obedience to the Holy Prophet (sa), one can progress from being at the stage of righteous to the status of a prophet. We are not alone in holding this interpretation, previous saints/scholars have presented it as well. For instance, Imam Raghib has also stated that a non-law bearing prophet can come after the Holy Prophet (sa) but only through complete obedience to him. However, I have mentioned this as an additional point in light of this verse so that the matter is properly clarified. Regarding the demise of Hazrat Abdullah bin Zaid (ra), it is written that there is a difference of opinion. Some have written that he passed away after the Battle of Uhud. However, majority have written that he took part in all battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) and passed away much later in the year 32 AH during the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (ra) in the city of Medina at the age of 64. His funeral prayer was led by Hazrat Uthman (ra).
Then, the next companion is Hazrat Mu’az bin ‘Amr bin Jamoo (ra). He belonged to a branch of the Banu Khazraj called Banu Salma. He participated in the Second Bai’at at Aqabah as well as the battles of Badr and Uhud. His father, Hazrat ‘Amr bin Jamoo (ra), was a companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) who was martyred in the Battle of Uhud. Hazrat Mu’az (ra) participated in the second Bai’at at Aqabah, but his father ‘Amr bin Jamoo’ however remained firm upon his idolatrous beliefs. The story of the conversion of Hazrat Mu’az’s father is recorded in Seerat Ibn Hishaam. About a year ago, I mentioned this story in relation to his account. It states that when those who had participated in the second Bai’at at ‘Aqabah returned to Medina, they actively spread the message of Islam. There were still some elders among their people who were fixated on their polytheistic beliefs. Among these was also ‘Amr bin Jamoo’. His son, Hazrat Mu’az bin ‘Amr (ra) had participated in the second Bai’at at ‘Aqabah and had pledged allegiance on this occasion to the Holy Prophet (sa).
‘Amr bin Jamoo’ was among the chieftains of the Banu Salma tribe and was one of their elders as well. He kept an idol carved from wood in his house, as was the practice of elders in those days. This idol was called Manaat, and they would show respect to it and revere it. When some young men from the Banu Salma tribe accepted Islam, among whom was also Hazrat Mu’az bin Jabl and the son of ‘Amr bin Jamoo’, Hazrat Mu’az bin ‘Amr bin Jamoo’ (who was also among this group of youth who had converted at the second Bai’at at ‘Aqabah). One night these young men entered into his idol-chamber and brought back the idol, and laid it down face-first, in a pit that was dug out for the Banu Salma tribe to throw their waste. The next morning, when ‘Amr woke up, he cursed those who had taken away their idol in the night and shown enmity towards it. He then went in search of it and when he found it, he washed it and cleaned it, saying, “I swear to god, if I find out who has done this to you, I will certainly ruin him.” And when the night fell and ‘Amr would be asleep; his son would repeat the act. When morning came, ‘Amr bin Jamoo’ again did the same thing, undertook the same laborious effort (to look for it) washed it, etc. When several nights passed like this, ‘Amr bin Jamoo’ removed the idol from where it had been thrown, washed it and cleaned it. Then he brought his sword and hung it around its neck, saying, “By God, I don’t know who is doing this to you. So if you have any power at all, here is a sword I leave with you. Use it to stop him.” And he placed the sword by the idol. When the sun set and ‘Amr went to sleep, the same youth, among whom was also his son, did the same thing to the idol. Removing the sword from around its neck, they tied the idol to a dead dog with a rope, casting it into an old well of the Banu Salma tribe which was used to dispose of waste. When ‘Amr bin Jamoo’ awoke in the morning and didn’t find the idol where he had left it, he went out in search of it, until he found it lying face-first tied to a dead dog in the well. When he witnessed this sight, the truth (of his erred ways) opened up to him. The Muslims of his tribe also introduced him to the teachings of Islam, and by Allah’s mercy, he became a Muslim. This incident has been recorded in the Seerah of Ibn Hisham, and it also states that he said, “this idol couldn’t even do anything with a sword. What benefit could there possibly be in worshiping such a god.”
Hazrat Mu’az bin Amr bin Jamoo (ra) took part in the killing of Abu Jahl during the battle of Badr. “According to some narrations the two sons of Afrah, Mu’az and Mu’awwiz, attacked Abu Jahl to the extent that he was taking his last breaths. After this Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood severed his head. Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood found Abu Jahl when he was on the brink of death. Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood put his leg on Abu Jahl’s neck and said: “O enemy of God! God Almighty has humiliated you!” Abu Jahl replied arrogantly: “I have not been humiliated! Have you ever killed a person greater than myself?” Meaning that he did not feel any humiliation and then asked who had been victorious in the battle. Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood replied that God and His Messenger were victorious.
According to another narration it is stated that Abu Jahl said: “I was his [i.e. Muhammad (sa)] enemy all his life and even today, my enmity has not subsided in the slightest.” Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood then severed his head and brought it to the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) said: ‘Just as I am the most beloved and revered of God from among all the prophets and my people are the most revered from all other nations, similarly, Abu Jahl is the most severe and violent Pharaoh of all those who had pharaoh like traits. For this reason, it is mentioned about him saying: Meaning, “till, when the calamity of drowning overtook him, he said, ‘I believe that there is no God but He in Whom the children of Israel believe”’ The Holy Prophet (sa) said that the Pharaoh of this era, is the gravest in terms of enmity and disbelief, and this can be seen from the last words of Abu Jahl. Hazrat Mu’az bin Amr bin Jamoo (ra) passed away during the Caliphate of Hazrat Usman (ra). Hazrat Usman (ra) led his funeral prayer and buried him in the Jannatul Baqi. Hazrat Abu Hurairah narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said: “Mu’az bin Amr bin Jamoo was an exceptional individual.” May God Almighty shower his endless mercy on all these people; who immersed themselves in the love of God and His beloved, and attained their pleasure.
After the Friday prayers, I will lead a funeral prayer in absentia of respected Malik Sultan Harun Khan Sahib, who passed away on the 27th March in Islamabad. Inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilahi Rajioon. His eldest son is the son-in-law of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), married to his youngest daughter. Malik Sultan Harun Sahib was a born Ahmadi and his father’s name was Col. Malik Sultan Muhammad Khan Sahib, who did the Bai’at at the hand of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) in 1923, at the age of 23. At the time, he was the only Ahmadi in his family.
Malik Harun Sahib took great care of the poor and needy of the local area. In particular, he treated those women who had genuine needs with great kindness. The women also mentioned that while Malik Sahib was alive, we felt very safe in our area, but now after his demise, we feel very scared. There is a lot of hostility and insensitivity in the area of Attock and the poor are neglected of their rights, but despite being landowner and an influential individual of the area, he took great care of the poor. He built 8 schools and helped construct another two and also donated some land for the use of a graveyard. He gave land for 8 schools to be built. He gave numerus poor people jobs and helped them. May God Almighty grant him His mercy and forgiveness and enable his progeny to continue his good deeds and remain attached with the Jama’at and Khilafat. As I mentioned, I shall lead the funeral prayer in absentia after the Friday Prayers.